
Our Mission: Christy White, Inc.’s promise to our clients is a rewarding business relationship with responsive, trustworthy advisors and timely delivery of quality assurance, accounting, and consulting services.
Christy White, Inc. guiding principles:
Provide clients with timely response and cost-conscious service
Preserve integrity via highly-skilled, well-trained staff and a commitment to the ethical practices and standards of our profession
Deliver unparalleled quality by focusing on the client need
Treat every employee with the utmost respect
Service Locations and Ownership
Christy White, Inc. is a California CPA firm that serves all of California. Christy White, Inc. is licensed with the State Board of Accountancy as a professional accountancy firm and is a certified small business and woman-majority owned firm.
Our Firm’s Journey
Christy White established Christy White, Inc. in 2010 having assembled a time tested group of professionals and a loyal client base over prior years with her former firm. Christy started as a staff accountant with an international CPA firm, Coopers and Lybrand. Over the next thirty-plus years, she proceeded to specialize in governmental audit and consulting and worked seven years with School Services of California, Inc. She became a leading statewide expert on school district finance and accounting.
Christy White is home-based in sunny San Diego and has expanded to serve all of California. Our firm continues to grow in our core firm clientele industries of education, public school and charter schools.
Partner Michael Ash heralds from Texas and New Mexico having worked for both international and regional CPA firms, as well as internal audit. Michael specializes in governmental and charter school audits. He is also our Quality Control Partner, ensuring our audit performance meets our highest quality control standards.
Principal Heather Daud has over fifteen years of experience planning, directing, and supervising audits of K-12 school districts. She has also been providing consulting and training services helping school districts. Heather graduated from the University of California, Santa Barbara.
Partner John Whitehouse was hired right out of college by Christy White. He rose through the ranks to become a partner, taking a short stint of time out to work in the private sector before returning to the firm.
Marcy Kearney, CPA has over fourteen years of experience, individually working with public school districts, independent charter schools, and not-for-profit entities for both audit and tax preparation. She manages the tax department and the charter school division of the audit department.
Kyle Montgomery joined CWA in 2012 and has become a leader in some of CWA’s most significant engagements. Kyle provides audit and financial consulting in the areas of internal controls, attendance accounting, compliance, Proposition 39 school construction bonds, and State School Facilities programs.
In many ways, our journey is just beginning, and that is what makes it so much fun! Every day we are excited about working with our clients and helping them not only get through the issues that affect them but get ahead.